On this page you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Your moment of glory

What is “Your Moment of Glory”?

With “Your Moment of Glory” we put you or other amateur athletes on the poster!

How does “Your Moment of Glory” work?

We needed a photo template from you that we could use to create the illustration. On the product page you can upload your desired photo, select the desired size and then put everything in the shopping cart.

Do you need more information?

If there are several people in the photo and it is not clear which person we should illustrate, please send us the required information by email to hallo@glory-moments.com. If we have any further questions, we will contact you by email.

Can I choose the background color?

Yes. After our graphic designer has created the illustrations, we will send you the design on our common background colors. You can then choose which color you would like to have delivered. We don't send anything without your approval.

Have your desired poster created

Unfortunately my desired design is not available in the shop. Were you able to have it created?

If your desired moment of glory doesn't yet exist, we'll be happy to create it for you! Send us the information about the scene you want by email to hallo@glory-moments.com. For example, " Dribbling by Matthäus against Yugoslavia at the 1990 World Cup ."

Does the design cost me anything?

If your design request is for a single person, then we do not charge any extra for this.

How long does it take until I receive the poster I want?

Unfortunately, we can't say exactly, but it always depends on the amount of work the designer does. As a rule, we need 5 - 7 working days for your desired poster before we can put it in the shop.

Shipping and Payment

How much does shipping cost me at Moments of Glory?

All orders in our shop are free of charge.

How can I pay?

We accept PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and credit card payments, among others.